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48歳男,黄色肉芽腫が右腎内側から下大静脈背側に発生し,術後残存腫瘤が無治療にて縮小傾向にある。後腹膜黄色肉芽腫は本邦において現在までに25例と稀な疾患であるA 48-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for lumbago. Computerized tomographic (CT) scan, aortography and venacavography indicated a solid retroperitoneal tumor at the right renal hilus. The tumor was removed and right nephrectomy was conducted. Some of the tumor remained owing to strong adhesion to the inferior vena cava and lumbar spine. Histological diagnosis of the resected tumor was retroperitoneal xanthogranuloma. One year after surgery, the CT scan revealed a gradual decrease in size of the remaining retroperitoneal mass.
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