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17歳男.左陰嚢を強打し,その後有痛性の腫脹を認めた為近医を受診し,超音波検査で左精巣破裂が疑われ,精査加療目的で入院となった.入院時,左陰嚢部は約2倍に腫脹し,軽度発赤を認めた.画像所見より,外傷性の左精巣破裂と診断し,精巣白膜修復術を施行した.術後経過は良好で,術後8日目に退院した.術後1ヵ月現在,陰嚢の腫脹,萎縮等は認めず,抗精子抗体は陰性であったTraumatic rupture of the testis is rare because of the protection afforded by surrounding structures. Moreover, it is difficult to accurately diagnose preoperatively. A 17-year-old man was referred to our department with the complaint of painful swelling of the left testis after being hit by a basketball. Although ultrasonography and computed tomography did not reveal the rupture of the tunica albuginea, we preoperatively diagnosed the rupture of the left testis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We repaired the tunica albuginea and preserved the left testis. In this report, the advantages of MRI for preoperative diagnosis of traumatic rupture of the testis are discussed. In addition, previous cases with traumatic rupture of the testis in the Japanese literature are also reviewed.
- PP-601 前立腺癌新規分子マーカーの探索(第95回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- Von Recklinghausen病に合併したMalignant composite pheochromocytomaの一例
- OP-088 Identification of RAM(ribonucleoprotein associated molecule) Overexpressed in High Grade Prostate Cancer
- 前立腺癌における Endorectal Surface Coll MRI の有用性の検討
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- 両側性乳頭状腎癌の一例 : 第86回日本泌尿器科学会総会
- MRI診断が有用であった外傷性精巣破裂の1例
- 前立腺の炎症性疾患のMRI診断 : 画像の読影と診断の感度について
- PP-523 前立腺癌におけるMRI拡散強調画像の有用性(発表・討論,一般演題ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
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- SY1-2 前立腺癌におけるウイルス感染とISG15(ISGylation system)の役割(1.前立腺癌研究の最新の進歩:基礎研究から臨床へ向けて,シンポジウム,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- PP-504 Identification of RAM (ribonucleoprotein associated molecule) overexpressed in highgrade prostate cancer cells
- 根治的前立腺全摘除術の外科的切除断端における残存癌検出を目指した術中光力学診断の有用性の検討
- 根治的前立腺全摘除術の外科的切除断端における残存癌検出を目指した術中光力学診断の有用性の検討