Lower urinary tract symptoms in 1,912 apparently healthy persons of both sexes
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健康診断のために著者らの健診センターを訪れた男女1912人に,国際前立腺症状スコア(IPSS)と生活の質の指標(IPSS-QI)を用いたアンケート調査を行い,通常の日常生活を送っている人々における下部尿路症状(LUTS)の出現頻度を,性別・年齢別に比較検討した. 1)平均年齢は女性46.8歳(18~83歳),男性48.5歳(19~76歳)であった. 2)蓄尿症状および排尿症状スコアは,男女とも加齢とともに徐々に増大していた. 3)IPSSが8点以上の中等度および高度の症状を有する人は,30歳未満の女性で5.6%,30歳代で8.9%,40歳代で15.7%,50歳代で20.8%,60歳代で21.0%,70歳以上で28.6%であった.一方,男性ではそれぞれ8.8,15.9,18.7,38.1,48.6,68.8%であった. 4)70歳以上の男性を除いては,男女ともに大部分の人が1回以下の夜間排尿回数であった.加えて,IPSS重篤度別のIPSS-QIでみた困窮度は男女共ほぼ同様で,LUTSは両性に同程度の困窮さを与えていたWe aimed to evaluate lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in apparently healthy persons of both sexes using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and quality of life index (IPSS-QI) as related to aging. A total of 1,912 apparently healthy participants (1,052 women and 860 men) were enrolled in this study. They were informed as to the nature of the study and asked to fill out the IPSS questionnaires. The mean age of women was 46.8 years (range 18.0 to 83.0) and that of men was 48.5 years (range 19.0 to 76.0). The storage and voiding symptom scores gradually increased in parallel with increasing age in both sexes. The proportion of participants with moderate to severe symptoms (IPSS 8 or greater) increased from 5.6% in women younger than 30 years to 8.9, 15.7, 20.8, 21.0% and 28.6% for women 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69 and 70 years or older, respectively; the corresponding distribution for men was from 8.8 to 15.9, 18.7, 38.1, 48.6 and 68.8%, respectively. In both sexes, the majority of persons showed 1 or less nocturia. The distribution of IPSS-QI was very similar within each category of the IPSS severity in both sexes, showing that LUTS was equally bothersome to both sexes. These data should be taken into account to evaluate LUTS in both sexes.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
- Lower urinary tract symptoms in 1,912 apparently healthy persons of both sexes
- Evaluation of hematuria and proteinuria positivity in relation to ageing in 6,651 apparently healthy men and women
- Evaluation of lower urinary tract symptoms and how bothersome it was with or without urinary incontinence in apparently healthy persons of both sexes