- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In many patients with prostatic diseases, the serum pr o tein analysis showed a decrease in albumin and increases in α-globulin and γ-globulin before operation. In patients with prostatic cancer, the levels of α1- and α2-globulins were higher than that in patients with prostatic hypertrophy. 2. In patients received total prostatectomy, the total serum protein level begun to decrease from around 3 days after the operation, which suggested us a necessity to pay sufficient attention on postoperative nutritional condition. 3. In all of hypertrophic, t otal prostatectomized and castrated groups, decrease in albumin level was frequently observed although the total protein level was in normal ranges. This trend was especially marked in castrated group. The decreased albumin level was predominant during the first post-operative week followed by gradual return to the normal ranges. The α2-globulin level showed increasing trend in cases where operative invasion was intensive, so that the level give us possible indicator for degree of operative invasion. The β-globulin showed higher than normal levels in every cases regardle s s diseases and post-operative course. The γ-globu l in level was frequently higher than normal ranges prior to operation, and it increased further after operation in castrated group. In patients with prostatic cancer, normaliz a tion of protein fractions was achieved following
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