病理剖検例よりみた膀胱癌の転移について (附: 京大泌尿器科20年間の病理剖検例の統計的観察)
- 論文の詳細を見る
An autopsy survey of the bladder cancer with special reference to its metastasis was made:on 33 necropsied cases seen in Urological Dep. of Kyoto University Hospital dur ing the past 20 years from 1945 to 1965. The similar survey was made on 306 cases recorded in the Annal of the Pathological Autopsy Cases in Japan during the past 5 years from 1958 to 1962. The f ollowing results were obtained ; 1) Concerning the age distribution, the heavy concentrations in the fifth, sixth and seventh decade (82.9%) were seen in the cases of Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. 2) In the cases of Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap., 71% were males with th e male to female ratio about 7 : 3. 3) As cell type of the tumors, 18 cases of transitional cell carcinoma, 6 of squamous cell carcinoma, 6 of undifferentiated carcinoma, 2 of adenocarcinoma and 1 of mixed type were confirmed for the cases of Kyoto University Hospital, while 143 cases of transitional cell carcinoma, 41 of squamous cell carcinoma, 18 of undifferentiated carcinoma, 8 of adenocarcinoma, 5 of mixed type and 91 of unknown cases were seen among the total of 306 cases recorded in the Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. 4) Incidence of metastasis was 69.7 % among 33 cases of Kyoto Univ. and 56.9% among 306 cases of Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. The mode of metastasis was lymphogenous in 78.3%, hematogenous in 56.6% and combined in 34.8% in the cases of Kyoto Univ., while it was lymphogeneous in 77.6%, hematogenous in 72.5% and combined in 50.0% in the cases of Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. 6) The sites of metastasis were in lymphnodes in 57.5%, in lungs in 27.3%, in liver in 6.1%, in bone in 12.4%, in kidneys in 6.1%, in adrenal glands in 9.1%, and peritoneum with carcinomatous peritonitis in 21.2% for the Kyoto Univ. cases, while they were in lymphnodes in 44.1%, in lungs 25.2%, in liver in 20.6%, in bone in 12.4%, in kidneys in 5.9%, in adrenal glands in 3.9%, in peritoneum with carcinomatous peritonitis in 6.8% an d in pleura with carcinomatous pleuritis in 3.6% for the Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. cases. 7) Among the cases with pulmonary metastases, 46.8% were accompanied with h epatic metastases for the cases of Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. 8) The type of hematogenous metastasis of the bladder cancer seems to be the Vena cava type (Walter's III type), in which the lungs are the first filter, so that many pulmonary metastases were observed in the bladder cancer. 9) The metastasized lymphnodes were retrop e ritoneal in 60%, pelvic in 30.4%, pulmonary hilar and peribronchial in 26.7%, mesenteric in 17.0%, inguinal in 9.5%, supraclavicular in 8.9% and cervical in 5.9% for the cases of Ann. Path. Aut. Cases Jap. 10) The relationship between the grading of tumor cell and metastasis wa s impressive. No low grade (grade I or II) case was seen among 23 cases with metastasis in the series of Kyoto Univ. All of the metastasized cases were high grading (grade III or IV). 11) The relationship between the staging of infiltration and metastasis sho w ed : B1 in 3 cases, B2 in 7 cases and C in 13 cases among 23 cases with metastasis in the series of Kyoto Univ. Sta t i stic observations INe re made on the necropsied cases in the series of Urological Department of Kyoto Univ. Hosp. The total number of the necropsied cases was 108 which was 45.6% of all death of the same periods. Among them 70.4% were males. The most heavy concentration was seen in the sixth decase followed by in the fifth decade and in the seventh decade. The frequency of diagnosis in these necropsied cases was the fo l lwing order : bladder tumor, urogenital tuberculosis, chronic renal insufficency, prostatic tumor, surgical death, renal tumor and urolithiasis.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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- 尿毒症時に於ける血液学上の2,3の考察
- 腎移植時の血液学的,血清生化学的変動,及び移植腎の組織学的変化に関する実験的研究 : 第III報 : 腎移植の研究 : 第54回総会
- Retrocaval Ureterの2例 : 第34回関西地方会
- 最近二年間における尿路結石成分とチスチン結石の3例について : 第32回関西地方会
- 腎結核と誤つた腎腫瘍の2例 : 第9回関西地方会
- 昭和39(1964)年度京大泌尿器科の臨床統計
- 泌尿器科領域におけるシリコンの応用 : 第16回中部連合地方会
- 急性腎不全に対する血液透析法
- 前立腺肥大症に対するセルニルトンの使用経験
- 上部尿石症に対するUrocalumの使用経験
- 泌尿器科領域におけるUbretid錠の使用経験
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- 昭和40(1965)年度京大泌尿器科の臨床統計
- 上部尿石症に対するNephrolithの使用経験
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- 上部尿石症に対するUC-2の試用
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- 腹膜灌流及び遊離腸管灌流を中心とした生体臓器灌流に就いて
- Nitrofuran系化合物の使用経験 : 第10回関西地方会
- 膀胱癌に関する研究 : 第5報 : 有機蛍光物質の診断及び治療への応用 : 予報 : 第54回総会
- 膀胱癌に関する研究 : 第4報 : 膀胱癌組織の間質反応について : 第54回総会
- 泌尿器科領域に於けるLysozymeの臨床的応用
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- 病理剖検例よりみた膀胱癌の転移について (附: 京大泌尿器科20年間の病理剖検例の統計的観察)
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- 表面麻酔剤ベノキシール・ゼリーの泌尿器科領域における使用経験
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