雄性副***と脂質 2: 各種ホルモン影響下における犬前立腺分泌液cholesterolの変動に就いて
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Change of cholesterol level in the prostatic fluid following administration of various hormones was investigated using Huggins' dog. In general, the total cholesterol level in the prostatic fluid decreased following administration of hormones which have either direct or indirect actions of male sexual hormones, while the level increased following administration of hormones having actions of female sexual hormones. 1) In the group given male sexual hormones, although a slight increase in the total cholesterol level was demonstrated on the 5 th. day of the administration in 2 out of 5 cases, all cases showed a decrease in its level on the 15 th. day of administration. 2) In the group given gonadotropic hormone, all of 4 cases de m onstrated a decrease in the total cholesterol level on the 20 th. day of administration, despite the fact that only one case had a slight increase on the 5th. day of administration. 3) In the group given ACTH, the total cholesterol l evel decreased in 2 out of 3 cases. The remaining one case showed a slight decrease on the 20 th. day of treatment. 4) In the group given anabolic hormones, trend of decrease in th e total cholesterol level was demonstrated on 5 days after cessation of 20 days continuous administration in one out of two cases, while the other cases showed the lowest level on the 15 th. day of administration. 5) In the group given Prolactin, a slight decrease in the total cholesterol level was seen on 15 th. day of treatment in one dog and on 10 th. day in the other dog. 6) In the group given female sexual hormones, an increase in the to t al cholesterol level was demonstrated in 2 out of 4 dogs on the 5 th. day of treatment, and in 3 out of 4 on the 10 th. day. The ester-rate, however, showed a tendency of decrease. 7) In the group given adrenocortical hormones, 2 out of 3 do g s demonstrated an increase in the total cholesterol level on the 5 th. day of administration. 8) In the group given thyroid hormones, no definite trend was found, although alterations of the total cholesterol level were seen on the 10 th. and 20 th. day of treatment.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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