雄性副***と脂質 1. 前立腺分泌液並びに組織のChotesterol及び燐脂質に就いて
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Using Huggins' dog and rats, cholesterol and phospholip i d in the prostatic secrtions as well as cholesterol in the prostatic tissue were determined. The results are the followings. 1) The total cholesterol level in dog prostatic secretion was 10 to 23 mg/d1, which is about 1/10 to 1/30 of that of in serum. In addition the majority of cholesterol in the prostatic secretion was the free type which is the reverse as that of in the serum. Supposedly the cholesterol in the prostatic secretion is in the process of excretions. 2) Cholesterol in prostatic secretion seemed to be mostly derive d from blood, since intravenously injected radioactive cholesterol-4-14C was transfered into prostatic secretion in dog. 3) In rats with artifically produced hypercholestelemia, the cholesterol level in the prostatic tissue changed almost parallel with its level in the serum until 7th week. After 9 th week, however, there was no relation between both levels. It seems likely that change of cholesterol in serum is not necessary to run parallel with that of in the protatic tissue. 4) Attempt to extract phospholipid from dog prostatic secretion failed to isolate it.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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