泌尿器科領域におけるリンパ系撮影法の研究 第1編: 診断的応用 (特に転移像の判定について)
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1) The lymphography was performed in 75 cas e s of which majority were malignant tumors of the pelvic organs in the urogenital field. 2) It was too difficult to make a complete testicular lymphogram only by the injection through lymphatics of unilateral spermatic cord, so that it was necessary to use it together with the method of cannulating lymphatics simultaneously. 3) Findings of lymphogram were classified into five types according to the grade of metastasis, and they were compared with the histopathological findings. 4) On the lymphogram, the metastatic nodes must be diag n osed carefully by observations of the following various points of view, id est, abnormality of lymphatics, internal structure, defect of shadows and size of lymphatic nodes. Generally it was difficult to make an early diagnosis of metastasis only by the lymphography. 5) A. slight circular disturbance and a slight pu l monary embolism were noticed after the procedure of lymphography as side effects, so that the volume and speed of injection of contrast medium should be controled as little and slow as possible. 6) A case of pulmonary metastasis was noticed after o ne month of lymphography, but it was not clear whether or not the metastasis was provoked by the procedure. 7) A direct anastomosis between lymphatics and veins was seen on t h e lymphogram by this method in a case which had obstruction of central lymphatics.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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