- 論文の詳細を見る
Presentationso f numbero f patients, diseases,o perationsa nd u r ologicale xaminationsd uring the past 5 years, from 1957 to 1961, in the urological section of the Third Branch Hospital of Tokyo Jikei University School of Medicin were made in memory of the Tenth-Year Anniversary of Professor Takeshi Minami's Inauguration. During the above mentione d p eriod, the total numberso f outpatients,i npateintsa nd operations were 1,855, 285 and 273 respectively. Roentgenographics tudies w ere done 1,935t imes in the past 5 years and endoscopice xaminations, 1,074 times in the same period. In general, there were tendency of increase in the scope of diseases and number of operations, year by year, among which increase of the prostatic hypertrophy was most remarkable. On the contrary, venereal d iseases were remarkably decreased. However, urogenital tuberculosis was not diminished in our hospital.
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