- 論文の詳細を見る
The patient, 49-year - old male, was admitted to our clinic on June 30, 1962. His complaints were hematuria and a mass located in the bladder region. The family history was negative for malignancy. With the exception of a arthritis in 1955, he had been well and at work. Five months before admission he noted painless hematuria. But this soon subsided with several treatments. And he had been at work constantly for four months. Since three days before admission, he has been suffered from hematuria and mass formation in the bladder region. So he was admitted to our clinic. The physical exami n ation was all negative. Cystoscopic examination was not performed because of hematuria. The cystogram showed a suspicious picture of the bladder tumor. An excretory urogram showed fair concentration of the dye in both kidneys, and the pattern of the upper urinary tract was normal. The total cystectomy and uretero-cutaneostomy was performed under the general anesthesia. The pathological diagnosis : Leiomyosarcoma. The leiomyosarcoma of the u rinary bladder is one of the very rare conditions and very few are seen in the literature.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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