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The total serum protein and protein fraction dete r m inations were done by the paperelectrophoretic method on patients with renal tuberculosis to study their changes before and after chemotherapy or surgical treatment. Blood sedimentation rate m e asurements were also performed to study its relationship with the changes of the total serum protein and protein fraction value. The results are as follows. 1) Fifty cases of re n al tuberculosis without any preceding antituberculous chemotherapy are classified after Lattimer's classification to compare the total serum protein and protein fraction values in the each group of the disease. i) Total protein : The average value of the each group shows slight increase without giving any noticeable corelation with the progress of the disease. ii) Albumin : Remarkably decreases proportionate to t he Lattimer's classification. iii)α-Globulin : Remarkably increases proportionate to the Lattimer's classification. iv) β-Globulin Increases proportionate to the Lattimer's classification, t hough it is not so remarkable as a-Globulin. v) γ-G lobulin : Increases proportionate to the Lattimer's classification. vi) A-Gratio Decreases proportionate to the Lattimer's cl a ssification. 2) The protein fractions of the patients with renal tube r culosis reveal slight decrease of the total protein, increase of the albumin and decrease of the each globulin fraction in the early stage of the combined chemotherapy with PAS, SM & INH, but they return to the normal level in the 16th week of the treatment. 3) In the patients who had nep h rectomy of the diseased kidney, the total protein, Albumin and A-G ratio reach to the lowest level and each fraction of the globulins, on the other hand reaches to the highest level on the 4th postoperative day. After that, the protein fractions recover gradually to the normal level but not satisfactory enough on the 21st postoperative day. The A-G ratio and albumin level are usually higher in the patients with unilateral renal tuberculosis and the al-r-globulins higher in the patients with bilateral renal tuberculosis throughout the course of the treatment. 4) The blood sedimentation rate and prote i n fraction of the patients with renal tuberculosis demonstrate negative corelation with albumin and A-G ratio and positive corelation with γ-globulin.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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