実験的畢丸障碍の研究: 第1篇: 諸種薬品並に放射能の影響について
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The following results were obtained by experimental administration of various drugs and radioactivity. 1 . Local administrations of various anticancerous substances and inorganic salts result in marked testicular disorder, comparing with general administration of those drugs. General administrations of Formalin, CC14, Bosmin, Vena, Morphine, Juvenin, Atonin-O, Griseouvin, Flacin, and Chinin resulted in slight testicular disorders. 2. Internal irradiation (local injection) of 32P, '98Au, 6 5 Z u,a nd 137Lur esulted in marked testicular disorders 3. Gian t cells appeared as a result of the disorder represent abnormal regenerative phenomenon of the testicle. It is more likely that these giant cells are derived from karyokinesis from spermatogonia to spermatocyte or from spermatocyte to praespermatid, though they are sometimes derived from sunkaryon.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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