尿路におけるリンパ装置の研究 II: 諸種泌尿器疾患にあけるリンパロ胞の組織学的研究
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Histological studies on the appearance of lymphatic f o llicle into the interstice have been carried out on 481 cases with urogenital tumor, inflammation, or others, among of which tumor cases were 322 and inflammation and others were 159. The former consisted of 63 cases with renal tumor (29 cases of Grawitz tumor, 12 cases of pyelopapilloma, 7 cases with 5 cases of renal sarcoma), 86 cases with vesical tumor (the majority of them were cancer in nature), 118 cases with prostatic tumor (85 cases of prostatic hypertrophy, 32 cases of prostatic cancer), 31 cases with urethral cancer, and 24 cases with testicular tumor. The latter consisted of 73 cases with renal calculi, 5 cases with renal hemorrhage, 3 cases with hydronephrosis, 6 cases with pyonephrosis, 6 cases with sclerotic neck of the bladder, 37 cases with leucoplaxia (4 cases of pyeloleucoplaxia, 26 cr.ses of vesical leucoplaxia, 7 cases of urethral leucoplaxia), and 29 cases with female urethral caruncle. The marked increase in the appearance of lymphatic follicle has been observed in the above series comparing with the normal healthy subiects. In the former group, the most significant increase in the appearance of lymphatic follicle was found in the patients with urethral tumor followed by the order of prostate, testicle, kidney, and bladder. In the latter group, the significant increase in the appearance of lymphatic follicle was found in the cases of hydronephrosis, caruncle, and renal calculi and it was less significant in the cases with pyonephrosis and leucoplaxia.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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