泌尿生殖器系におけるリンパ装置の研究 I:比較解剖学的研究
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The following results were obtained from the stu d y of the lymphatic apparatus of the urogenital system of 8 men, 3 adult male monkeys, 2 adult male rats, 2 adult roosters and 1 each of a male guinea pig, rabbit, weasel and duck. 1. Urinary system (1) Kidney : The region of occurrence of the lymphatic apparatus and its structure differs in men and animals. In men, 5 typical lymphnodules were noted in the smaller calyces and 6 in the renal pelvis, but no nodules were seen in the subtunical region, cortex, medullary substance or in the larger calyces. Thirteen occurrence of lymphocytic infiltration were noted in cortex and medullary substance. Then in the following order : in the calyces, renal pelvis and sub-tunica 1 region. A similar finding was obtained in monkeys, a m a mmal. Lymphocytic infiltration appeared in larger numbers in the smaller calyces. with the rest of the animals, the appearance was limited to a small number. (2) Ureter : Only 5 occurrences of lymphonodules were noted in 2 roosters of all the subjects. (3) Bladder : The lymphonodules of the bladder in man was found to be relatively fewer in the subjects examined as compared with the frequency reportes in the literature. Most of them were present in the opening region of the inner meatus. In the animal study, a large number of them were noted in monkeys and roosters. In monkeys, especially, typical lymphnodules were markedly noted in the vicinity of the opening of the inner meatus. Lymphocytic infiltration was scattered. (4) Urethra : In man, the findings were limited to the anterior portion of the urethra in 1 subject. With the animals, lymphatic apparatus was noted markedly in monkeys in the form of lymphonodules which were more abundantly seen in the anterior part of the urethra. 2 . Genital organs With respect s to the genital organs, the findings were consistent with those in various other reports. In general, lymphatics were noted to appear in a very small number (D when compared with the urinary system. They were found occasionally in the prostate gland, and were very scarce in the testicles and epididymis. In the seminal vesicles. however, not a single one was found.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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