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The following results have been obtained by usi n g hyaluronidase (HR) and hydrocortisone (HC) on urethral stenosis. Methods 1. Instillation of 50-100 units of H R for 30 minutes into the urethra and then the urethra was dilated with bougie, which was followed by another instillation of the HR (Aderholdt's Method). 2. Local i n jection of icc (25 mg) of HC in the site of the urethral stenosis. Results 3 cases treated with HR Recovered 2 cases (9-10 treatments) Improved 1 case (5 treatm e n t ) 3 cases treated with HC All recovered (3-6 injections) 2 cases treated with HR and HC HR 500 units HC 143. 7 5 m g In the present study treatment with HC r e sulted more imrovement than that with HR. In animal experiment the following results have been obtained by local injection of HR in the experimentally produced scar tissue of rabbits. 1. Relative enlargement of the intercellular spac e and cellular derangement were found. 2. Regeneration of the blood vessels and hyperemia of the local tissue were fou n d. 3. An increase in migration of leucocytes is apt to occur at the site of injecti o n.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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