尿膠質の研究 第II篇:主として尿石患者尿のムコ蛋白に就て
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Mucoprotein, one of the urinary colloids, has been studied on the urine of patients with urological diseases particularly with urolithiasis by means of polarography. Materials. 0.5cc. of urine was added to 5.0cc. of the following m i x ed solution : 0.001 M.. CO (NH3) 6C13, 0.1 M. NH4C12 and 0.8 M. NH4OH. Results. 1 ) It was found that mucoprotein in urine up to the concentration of 0.00625 per cent had a protection ability against precipitation of electrolytes in urine from the Ogawa colloid reaction. 2) I n most of the cases, mucoprotein concentration in the bladder urine of urolithiasis was higher than in normal urine. It seems, however, that such high mucoprotein concentration is due to the inflammation of urogenital system as a complication of urolithiasis, not due to the urinary stone itself. 3) In upper urinary calcu l u s, the ureteral urine was collected on each side and examined respectively, and it was found that mucoprotein concentration in the urine from lesion was moderately higher than in the urine from normal side, and also found that even in the ureteral urine from normal side of patients with urolithiasis mucoprotein concentration was considerably higher than in the urine of normal adults. 4) Within about a month after the removal of urinary stone, mucoprotein in the ureteral urine from both lesion and normal side has been still increased. 5) In the case without having very long duration of urinar y calculus, mucoprotein. concentration in the urine was rather lower than in normal urine. 6) Mucoprotein concentration in the urine of patients w i th malignant tumore was much higher than in normal. , Discussion. From the results described above, the following hypothesis may be raised on the relationship between urolithiasis and urinary mucoprotein concentration. An urinary calculus is produced primarily in lower urinary mucoprotein concentration. After a production of stone, pathological changes such as inflammation will occur and mucoprotein concentration of ureteral urine from lesion is increased C--urinary mucoprotein. originates from urinary tract secretion). Besides, pathological changes of kidney and/or ureter possibly cause a systematic change followed by an increase of serum mucopro tein. An excretion of such in-creased serum mucoprotein from both kidneys leads to high urinary mucoprotein concentration from both lesion and normal side (--urinary mucoprotein originates from blood serum). Although a local lesion will recov e r soon after the removal of calculus, systematic 'changes do not recover at the same time of treatment . Therefore, the mu coprotein concentration of both ureteral urine will keep high level for some periods after the removal of stone. After recovering to normal general conditions, the urinary mucoprotein becomes below normal. In other words, urinary mucoprotein originates from urinary tract secretion becomes normal, but urinary mucoprotein originates from serum mucoprotein does not recover to normal level for some periods after the removal of calculus. This is also suspected from the fact that Ogawa colloid reaction of urine is within normal in most of the cases with increased urinary mucoprotein. In malignant tumores, much higher concen t r ation of urinary mucoprotein is recognized than that is suspected from the effect of inflammation as a complication. This might be flue to the increased serum mucoprotein caused by pathological protein metabolism in the body/or tumore itself.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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