小胃による代用膀胱の実験的研究 第1篇:各種消化管及び膀胱の吸収
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In these days, sigmoid colon has been prefered a s the substitute bladder because it is technically easy to oprate it and it enables anal sphincter muscle to reserve urine. But subsequently, as well known, the unbalnace of blood electrolytes occurs because the mucous coat of intestine reabsorbs urinary constituents, especially chlorine, In order to avoid this shortness, comparison has been made in respect to the absorption of 1% salt solution labeled with radioactive Cl36 by the segment of stomach, terminal ileum, lower part of colon, and normal urinary bladder, using twenty mongrel dogs. Flollowing results were obtained: 1) The absorption of Cl3 6 by the terminal ileum was most dominant as 70.7% per hour. Therefore it is considered that the terminal ileum or upper part of intestine should not be used for the urinary reserve, but as the simple pathway of urine. 2) The absorption by the lower part of colon was less dominant than the former, as 68.9% for about 2 hours. Considering that t he renal insufficiency is caused by extreme high internal pressure, ascending infection of numerous bacterial growth in the colon, and so on, the lower part of colon should not be prefered as the sbutuitute bladder 3) The segment of stomach, however, presented the least absorption of chlorine and the more capability of urinaly reserve. Therefore the segment of stomach is concluded to be the most proper organ as tha substitute bladder
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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