Effects of Temperature on Electrical and Mechanical Activities of Guinea Pig Ureter
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The action potential and contraction of the smooth muscle at various temperatures were observed using guinea pig ureter. The contraction height was not significantly altered by the change in the temperature between 20 and 36℃, while the time course of the contraction was greately slowed at lower temperatures. The plateau potential and the number of the spike potential in the action potential decreased and the duration of the action potential and membrane resistance increased at low temperature. Though the changes in the time course of the contraction can be explained mainly by the changes in the contractile reaction of the muscle protein and by the change in the relaxing activities of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or of the muscle membrane, the changes in the electrical activities of the muscle membrane should also be taken into consideration.
- 札幌医科大学の論文
- 1976-08-30
札幌医科大学 | 論文
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