単純ヘルペスウイルス感染による細胞模構築の変化について ―凍結割断法による観察―
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With the freeze-fracture technique, virus-induced modulation of the nuclear and plasma membrane was studied in cultured murine neuroblastoma cells, C-1300 and clone NA, infected with herpes simplex virus type 1, strain HF. The results were correlated with findings obtained from thin-sectioning and scanning electron microscopy of sister cultures. 1) During the penetration of the virus, fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane was clearly demonstrated at the host cell surface. At the site of fusion, intramembrane particles (IMP) were absent in the protoplasmic face (P face) of plasma membrance, although the distribution of IMP appeared unaltered in surrounding areas. 2) With the envelopment of virions at the nuclear membrane, focal elevation of the inner leaflet of the nuclear membrane was accompanied by substantial reduction or absence of IMP in the P face of elevated areas. IMP free spots and small aggregates of IMP were also seen in the P face of unelevated areas of the nuclear membrance. 3) Aggregates of IMP similar to ones seen in nuclear membrances were also observed in cell surface membranes during the process of virus release from host cells. 4) Treatment of virus-infected but not uninfected cells with antiviral antibody resulted in focal aggregation of IMP in cell surface membrances. This phenomenon appears to be parallel to the capping of viral antigens as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining and scanning electron microscopy. 5) No specific structural profiles of the "virus receptor" on the cell surface were verified in the present study.
- 札幌医科大学の論文
- 1982-10-01
札幌医科大学 | 論文
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