ガス状物質の法医中毒学的研究 ― Freon 22 の生体におよぼす影響について―
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The authors had an opportunity to participate in two forensic autopsies of the victims of an accident of freon 22 leaking, and histological examination and chemical analysis for the detection of freon 22 were performed. In addition, toxicological effect of freon 22 was studied experimentally, using mice and rabbits. The following results were obtained from animal experiment. 1) The following symptoms during the experiment were observed as time proceeded : a) reeling, b) weakness of the forelegs, c) falling down, d) flow of mucous fluid from mouth and nose and lacrimtion, e) violent movement of the extremities and f) cyanosis. 2) With regard to the amount of freon 22 in each tissue sample, it was detected in higher concentration in brain, heart, liver and blood than in lungs and kidneys. 3) The concentration of freon 22 in blood increased rapidly to the maximum within one minute after the inhalation and decreased quickly within one minute when the inhalation ceased. The concentration of freon 22 in blood was almost not detected one hour after the ceasing of inhalation. 4) The lethal conditions were 30 minutes inhalation of 28% of freon 22 for mice, 14-21 min. inhalation of 25-30% of freon 22 for rabbits and 15-22 min. inhalation of 55% of freon 22 for the tracheotomizecl rabbits, respectively. Consequently it was concluded that the cause of death by the inhalation of freon 22 was to be the prolonged asphyxia by flowing mucous fluid. 5) No histological and chemical evidence of liver toxicity by freon 22 inhalation were obtained.
- 札幌医科大学の論文
- 1979-08-01
札幌医科大学 | 論文
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