作文過程での内省を促す支援の効果 : 日本人小学生児童を対象にした単一事例実験
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This research verified the effects of support to encourage reflective thinking in the writing process through a single case experiment. Four factual expository texts and four opinion essays written by the test subject, who is a Japanese fifth grader with weak writing skills, and were each sampled from the baseline term and from the treatment term for the purpose of qualitative comparison. A time series analysis has observed that writing quality is higher in the treatment term than in the baseline term through holistic evaluation, and that the writing in the treatment term reflects significant improvements in the development of ideas and in introduction through analytic evaluation. Moreover, an analysis of descriptions in the two forms of writing has discovered more sophisticated argumentation in opinion essays and enhanced adherence to the requirements of the assignment in the factual expository texts written in the treatment term. These findings confirm that support to encourage reflective thinking in the writing process helps improve writing quality.
- 2010-03-31
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