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In 2000 Mexican Federal Elections, Vicente Fox Quesada of Alianza por el Cambio became first presidential candidate to defeat the then ruling Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) in more than seventy years. His victory represented the "change" - the word which he made use of as the main slogan in his campaign - of the country. This article analyzes his performance on the most important issues in his first two years in office. The first chapter examines the new government's performance, focusing on issues like cabinet configuration, social and economic policies, and the privatization program. The second chapter is about Zapatista Caravan, which made its first appearance outside Chiapas on its way to Mexico City. The third chapter takes a brief look at local elections in two southern states, Tabasco and Yucatan. These cases show that at local level, especially in the south, electoral democracy in Mexico still has some problems. In the concluding chapter the author resumes cases treated in previous chapters and argues that the Fox administration's policies are confronted by many resisting forces, especially in the congress. In one sense this situation of mixed government can be attributed to advances in democracy, but the lack of visible progress in the reform process is worrying because the expectation of "change" is the reason why people voted for Vicente Fox.
- 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科附属アメリカ太平洋地域研究センター,Center for Pacific and American Studies of The University of Tokyo,東京大学(院)の論文
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