- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper considers a state-observer for linear decentralized control systems. Namely, we assume that linear time-invariant discrete-time system has several control stations, there are no each station exchange between every control stations and each station has vector input-output. In this paper, we will show that we can construct a minimal time and minimal order state observer at some control station, if and only if the decentralized control system is observable at that station. This observability for the decentralized control systems has already defined by T. Yoshikawa and H. Kobayashi. And then we also clarify that the minimal number of steps (minimal time) required in order that the output of above observer coincides with the state of the system is the α+β or equal to α+β. Where α and β are integers determined from structure of the decentralized control systems.
- 津山工業高等専門学校の論文
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- 線形分散制御システムの状態観測器