重力式アーク溶接法による水中溶接に関する研究(第一報) -水中溶接部の基本的性質について-
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Many marine structures intented mainly for the development of submarine oil fields are being fabricated in the wake of the energy crisis and due to the growing marine development. From these backgrounds, there is a strong need for developing reliable techniques for underwater cutting and welding. Then, underwater welding by gravity arc welding process is investigated in city water depth of 20 cm using coating electrode and SM41 steel plate thickness 9mm as base metal. Main results are summarized as follow; 1) Cooling time between 800℃ and 500℃ is about 3 sec. in water and 32 sec. in air, the former being about 10 times bigger than the latter. 2) Tensile strength of underwater welded joint is dominated by the strength of base metal. 3) Diffusible hydrogen content is about 56 cc/100g in water and 30 cc/100g in air, the former being about 2 times higher than the latter. 4) Underwater welded joint has the hazard of weld cracking more than welded part in air.
- 津山工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1978-10-20
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