描画作品の変化の意味について : 表現心理学からの検討
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This report considers the meaning of changes in drawings from expression psychology, referring to Nakai(1983) as the starting point. The first confirmed that a recognition of changes is subjective. "Test" tries to find relative changes in drawings for fear of reading excessively in a drawing. Another is "technique," emphasizing a once-in-a-lifetime chance of the psychotherapy. But both positions have limitations. An attempt to center on expression is expression psychology. It has the possibility of sublation of both opposing stances. Nakai's attempt in 1983 inclined toward "test," but he warned against the effect of Landscape Montage Technique (LMT) or art therapy. Moreover, he showed an interpretation from expression psychology in the first case. And from expression psychology, the process of drawing is important; we should chase the "absolute" changes in the drawing process. In LMT, starting from "river" is ingenious, because it imposes the difficulty of composing on a client, but for a therapist it prevents the boredom and enables active "participant observation," we can easily chase the "absolute" changes in a drawing. It needs further consideration and accumulation of clinical facts from expression psychology.
- 2010-03-31
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