The contribution of excretion by demersal zooplankton, to nitrogen flux across the sediment/water interface in a coral reeflagoon : a preliminary account
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Preliminary findings are presented on nitrogen levels in sediment pore-water and overlying seawater at two locations on the Great Barrier Reef, and the contribution to nitrogen flux via ammonia excretion from demersal zooplankters (ostracods, copepods, mysids, cumaceans, amphipods, isopods and decapods). Full details will be presented and discussed elsewhere once all data are analysed. Ammonia excretion rates increased proportionally with dry body weight of the zooplankters (2-107ng NH_4-N ind^<-1> h^<-1>). Ammonia accounted for 60% of DIN in the water column. DIN was 23-45 times more concentrated in pore water than in overlying water, promoting effluxes. Preliminary estimates of ammonium flux across the sediment/water interface through demersal zooplankton excretion, using the present rate-data and published population density estimates, suggest a mean rate of 46μM NH_4 m^2 h^<-1>. This represents approximately 1% and 24% of the ammonia stock in the lower water column and upper substrate respectively. Values exceed those determined for meiofauna, and are approximately 30% of those estimated for heterotrophs in the water column.
- 高知大学海洋生物教育研究センターの論文
- 1994-12-31
高知大学海洋生物教育研究センター | 論文
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