- 論文の詳細を見る
Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract are commonly encountered m clinical practice. Many foreign bodies traverse the gastrointestinal tract without incident, but others cause complications such as obstruction, perforation and abscess formation. Purpose: To examine clinical characteristics of the foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract and to determine the optimal management. Patients and Methods: Forty-one male and thirty-nine female cases, who were managed for foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract in our hospital between April 2002 and March 2005 were studied. Result: The fish bone was the most common foreign body, followed by coin, battery, shrimp shell, padlock, press through package, key, plastic, marble, dental bridgework, seed, and capsule. Fifty-nine of these were in the pharynx, four in the esophagus, eight in the stomach, nine in the small bowel, two in the colon, and one in the rectum. Most foreign bodies were expelled from the anus without any treatment (47%; n=39). Endoscopic or direct removal was possible in 43% (n=36) of the patients. Surgery was required in only 10% (n=8). Seven patients showed perforation and one showed intraabdominal abscess, and all of these complications were treated by surgical intervention. Two patients developed retropharyngeal abscess. They were able to be conservatively treated. Conclusion: Pharyngeal and esophageal foreign bodies may require urgent direct or endoscopic removal. Foreign bodies in the stomach do not require immediate removal unless they are deemed likely to cause perforation or obstruction. Other objects may be expelled on their own without any treatment. Complications including perforation and abscess were treated by surgery or antibiotic therapy. There was no mortality or major morbidity in this series.
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