食道裂孔ヘルニアに臓器軸性胃軸捻転を伴ったUpside down stomachの1例
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Esophageal hiatus hernia presenting with an upside down stomach with volvulus in which the entire stomach is prolapsed is rare. An 80-year old woman complaining of long-standing appetite loss since was referred to the hospital because of an abnormal shadow on the mediastinum on medical examination. A chestXray showed a gastric bubble in the posterior mediastinum. An upper gastrointestinal series revealed that the gastric body and antrum had migrated into the mediastinum with organoaxial gastric volvulus. We diagnosed this as upside down stomach caused by organoaxial gastric volvulus and esohageal hiatus hernia, and performed surgery. Upon laparotomy, the prolapsed stomach was reduced into the intraperitoneal cavity, and repair of the esophageal hiatus and gastropexy were performed according to Hill’s procedure. After operation the patient became free of symptoms. We makes special reference of the Japanese literature on this disease entity.
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- 食道裂孔ヘルニアに臓器軸性胃軸捻転を伴ったUpside down stomachの1例