「単位」からの自立を求められる高齢者 : 転換期の中国高齢者福祉と社会保障
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This paper is an interim report about the society aging and social welfare for the elderly in China. The argument indicated here is based on various statistics, published articles and field surveys in 2000, 2001 and 2001. According to the China statistical yearbook in 1997, the number of people aged 65 and over in China is about 86 million and its percentage of the total population is about 7%. The characteristics of population aging in China are classified into five categories. I) the speed of aging, 2) the volume of the aged population, 3) rapid increasing of "old- old", 4) areal differentiation of population aging, and 5) the stage of economic development in the area where the population is becoming aged. As a result of reviewing articles and field surveys, it became clear that the structure of social welfare systems towards the elderly has been changing since 1978. The changes could be summarized as follows: First, as part of the economic reforms, 'Danwei'has had its functions reduced under the direction of the national government. Danwei is referred to as a work unit, i.e. a company, a governmental office, a school, etc. Unlike companies in capitalist countries, Danwei has political and social functions as well as economic functions. Each Danwei provides social services for its employees such as homes, schools for children, shopping facilities, medical benefits. It also has the responsibility to pay pensions to retired people. Since the economic reformation started in 1978, the social function of Danwei has, however, been reduced to improve its competitiveness in the market. With respect to retired pensions, the national government has introduced a social insurance system that is managed by city governments and contributed by employees themselves as well as Danwei and the national government. Therefore, Danwei has had its responsibility to provide economic security for its retired employees reduced. In other words, this change means socialization of welfare for the aged. Second, as one of the fruits of economic growth, a part of the elderly, for example retired government officers, have began receiving a comfortable pensions. It has brought marketization of care for the elderly. The trends of this marketization of care can be found of two types in changes: growth of private nursery homes and an increase in housemaids. It is necessary to explain about housemaids. Due to the significant difference in the stage of economic development between the coastal cities and rural areas, a huge amount of people have moved from rural areas to the coastal cities for better income. It is very difficult for them to get a proper occupation. Thus, many of them have to seek jobs in the informal sector and be content with cheap wages. One of the most common and typical jobs for a female migrant is a housemaid. Recently, it is popular for a family with parents who require care to employ a housemaid to take care of them. Third, instead of Danwei, the role of local governments relating to the welfare of the aged has become important. Local government are expected not only to have responsibility for the social pension system but also to provide services for the elderly such as recreational activities. Nevertheless, the shifting the charge of the welfare of the elderly from Danwei to local governments appears to be difficult because of the considerable dependence of today's elderly on their Danwei both mentally and physically.
- 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科・教養学部人文地理学教室,Department of Human Geography, The University of Tokyo,國學院大學経済学部,Faculty of Economics, Kokugakuin Universityの論文
- 2003-10-01
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