- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is a study on the measures to provide vegetables and fruits for food service industry by leading wholesalers in wholesale markets. Conclusion is as follows: 1) The supply for food service industry by these wholesalers started from 2000's, and as yet has a small market share in these companies but is increasing rapidly. 2) These wholesalers fix the monthly sale price for the previous month and get the weekly order from the previous week from food service industries. Both the sale price and quantity to food service industries are decided in the longer span than large scale retailers which fix the price a week before and order the previous day. 3) Some wholesalers sell vegetables and fruits through secondary wholesalers, others sell directly to food service industries. In the case of the latter, wholesalers conduct the delivery function by themselves. 4) These wholesalers procure vegetables and fruits mainly from agricultural cooperatives because agricultural cooperatives are the main suppliers for wholesale markets and can build trace back systems easier than middlemen. 5) The procurement of vegetables and fruits is classified into contract dealing and spot dealing. In the case of contract, wholesalers fix price and quantity at planting period. But it is very risky for wholesalers to procure all vegetables and fruits by contract, so wholesalers partially purchase from spot markets. Even in the case of spot, wholesalers procure vegetables and fruits from suppliers which can assure the traceability.
- 2009-03-31
- ベトナムの青果物輸出と冷凍野菜流通 (特集 ベトナム農業・農村の工業化・近代化)
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- コメント (特集 「食」と「農」のあり方と農協改革--日本協同組合学会第22回春季研究大会 共通論題)
- 書評 王志剛 著『中国青果物卸売市場の構造再編』(九州大学出版会,2001年,164頁)
- 書評 アレッサンドロ・ボナンノ他著・上野重義・杉山道雄共訳『農業と食料のグローバル化』(Alessandro Bonanno ed."From Columbus to Conagra: The Globalization of Agriculture and Food")
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- 特別栽培導入による慣行栽培への波及効果--訓子府町を事例に (2009年度[北海道農業研究会]定例研究会報告)
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- 報告に対するコメント (〔九州農業経済学会第50回大会〕農協の基本問題と改革方向--協同組合にふさわしい事業方式の探求)
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- Increase in Size and Chain Organization of Retail and wholesale Markets