Evaluation and characterization of partially purified skin test antigens prepared from Leishmania panamensis promastigotes
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Leishmania panamensis promastigote型原虫から作成した種々皮肉反応用抗原の効果を30人の皮膚型リーシユマニア症患者で判定した。原虫ホモジネートの10,OOO×g 遠心上清を粗抗原(CA)とし,更にSephacry1S-200ゲルを用いて4画分(FA-1からFA-4)を得た。CA(10μgタンパク量/テスト)による皮肉反応の陽性率,および硬結径はMontenegro抗原(MA;5×106原虫/テスト)でのそれらと比較して優位差がなかった。更に,10μgタンパク量のCAによって誘発される遅延型皮肉反応の反応の強さは,同抗原液を25μgタンパク量で用いた場合と同等であった。分画抗原(FA-4は7.5μgタンパク量,他は10μgタンパク量)での皮内反応陽性率はFA-1が90.0%,FA-2が77.8%,FA-3が75.0%,FA-4が37.5%であった。これら4抗原のうち,FA-4は陽性率および反応の強さの両面で,又FA-3は反応の強さの点でCAやMAでのそれらと比較して著しく劣っていることが判明した。以上の結果から,L.panamensis原虫から作成した皮内反応用抗原のうち, 10μgタンパク量のCAおよび同タンパク量のFA-1,FA-2分画抗原が新大陸での皮膚型リーシュマニア症の診断に適していることが結論づけられた。更に,これらの抗原液を構成しているタンパク質のうち,少なくとも66,55,45,28,26 kDタンパクの全て,又は一部が新大陸での皮膚リーシュマニア症の遅延型皮内反応惹起に関与している可能性が示唆された。The present study was designed to evaluate skin test preparations prepared from Leishmania panamensis promastigotes in 30 active cutaneous leishmaniasis patients. The crude antigen preparation (CA) used was 10,000 x g supernatant of the parasiteshomogenate. The soluble extract was further resolved into 4 preparations (FA-1 to -4) with the aid of a Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration. There was no significant difference in the positive ratio and the average induration size between CA (10 μg protein/test) and Montenegro's antigen (MA; 5 x 106 parasites/test). The reactivity of the delayed-type hypersensitivity to 10 μg dose of CA was shown with much the same intensity in the 25 μg dose of CA. In FAs (10 μg protein dose, except for 7.5 μg in FA-4), the positive ratio was as follows: 90.0% in FA-1, 77.8% in FA-2, 75.0% in FA-3 and 37.5% in FA-4. The positive ratio and the intensity of skin test response in FA-4 were remarkably low in comparison with those in CA or MA. Significant difference was found in the intensity of response between FA-3 and CA or MA. Based on these results, therefore, we concluded that 10 μg protein dose of CA of L. panamensis and same dose of the fractionated preparations, FA-1 and -2, were very suitable for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in endemic areas of the New World. Furthermore, it was estimated that at least some or all of the 5 proteins, approximately 66, 55, 45, 28, and 26 kD, were related to a specific delayed-type hypersensitivity in cutaneous leishmaniasis of the New World.
- 1991-06-15
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- Evaluation and characterization of partially purified skin test antigens prepared from Leishmania panamensis promastigotes
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