台頭するインドと東南アジアの経済関係(1) : 予備的概観
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The Look-East policy was one of the most important ingredients of India's New Economic Policy, launched in 1991. As India faced the most severe economic crisis since Independence, the government changed its development strategy from import-substitutingindustrialization to liberalization andexternal opening. The aim of the Look-East policy was to strengthen India's economic ties with ASEAN. The main factors encouragingthis policy change were: (1) the collapse of the Soviet Union and (2) the rise of China and East and South-East Asia, where an export-oriented development strategy hadbeen adopted. In Chapter 1, we examine the contents and processes of Regional TradeAgreements (RTA) between India and South-East Asian countries. Specifically, we look at: (1) the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between India and ASEAN, (2) the FrameworkAgreement on Free Trade Area between India and Thailand, and (3) the ComprehensiveEconomic Cooperation Agreement between India and Singapore. In Chapter 2, we look at the changing relations involving trade in goods and services between India and South-East Asian countries. We conclude that, although trading ties between India and South-East Asian countries have been deepening, India’s position for the main South-East Asian countries except Singapore remains marginal. The main reason for the lack of effectiveness of the RTAs between India and South-Asian countries is the fact that even today, India’s domestic economic reformremains insufficient to realize RTAs. Without further domestic economic reforms and the creation of a consensus among industrialists in favor of a free trade regime, the government’s efforts on RTA negotiations will be wasted.
- 2009-06-15
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