- 論文の詳細を見る
Trade Union Law arranges that the Prime Minister shall appoint theemployer members based upon the recommendations of employers’organizationsand appoint the labor members based upon the recommendationsof the labor unions. The Prime Minister, after obtaining the consentof both Houses, shall appoint the public members from among the persons entered in a list of candidates prepared by the Minister of Health,Labor and Welfare with the consent of the employer members and the labormembers. As to appointment of the public members, seven or moresuch members shall not belong to the same political party. This dispositionis appicable to Prefectural Labor Relations Commission. So the prefecturalgovernor shall appoint the employer members based upon therecommendations of the employers’ organizations, the labor membersbased upon the recommendations of the labor unions, and the publicmembers with the consent of the employer members and the labor members.But the public administration has never opened the standards andproces of these nominations. I have analysed the investigations made bythe local administration and found the actual situation of elections of these members.
- 滋賀大学経済学会の論文
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- L'actualite du droit syndical sous la crise des syndicats en France
- Legislation du travail au Japon : Introduction sur le regime legal dans le rapport collectif entre l'employeur et les salaries
- L'actualite du droit syndical sous la crise des syndicats en France
- Legislation du travail au Japon : Introduction sur le regime legal dans le rapport collectif entre l'employeur et les salaries
- L'actualite du droit syndical sous la crise des syndicats en France
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- フランスの労働審判所(Conseil de Prud'hommes)の制度と実情 (滋賀大学経済学部創立80周年記念論文集)
- フランスの労働審判所(Conseil de Prud'hommes)の制度と実情 (滋賀大学経済学部創立80周年記念論文集)
- フランスの労働審判所(Conseil de Prud'hommes)の制度と実情 (滋賀大学経済学部創立80周年記念論文集)
- フランスの労働審判所(Conseil de Prud'hommes)の制度と実情 (滋賀大学経済学部創立80周年記念論文集)
- フランスの労働審判所(Conseil de Prud'hommes)の制度と実情 (滋賀大学経済学部創立80周年記念論文集)
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- 労働環境リスクとモラルハラスメント規制の動向と課題
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