超越の層位学 : 『宗教学概論』から『ヨーガ』と『シャーマニズム』まで
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On returning to Rumania from India, Eliade pursued an academic career while continuing his literary work. As a cultural attache for Rumania in Britain and Portugal during the Second World War, he undertook a synthesis of historical and morphological approaches to the study of religions and drafted an essay on the terrors of history, later to be published as The Myth of the Eternal Return. His 1949 Patterns in Comparative Religion, an overtly morphological study, contained within it traces of an emerging historical perspective on religion. This is evident in the way he described the transformation of the supreme celestial being into a deus otiosus, as well as in his notion of the progressive stratification of religious patterns. In his work on yoga and shamanism, Eliade's approach to the study of transcendent phenomena is clearly that of a historian of religions, though not in a narrow sense that would preclude his abiding concern with morphology. Here, too, it is a synthesis of the two that is his goal. Thus in Yoga Eliade not only distinguishes two types of yoga (classical yoga with its philosophical system and baroque yoga with its popular magical forms) but also identifies three strata of magical - religious tradition : a perennial substratum dating from time immemorial, a pre - Aryan popular stratum, and an Indo-European stratum. Similarly, in Shamanism he locates the essence of shamanism in ecstasy and singles out as its constitutive ingredients an ancient cosmology with number symbolism, an archaic stratum of magic and religion, and a cluster of ideas about gods and spirits. At the same time, he was careful to take note of historical influences on the experience of ecstasy. Yoga and Shamanism thus provided Eliade with the substrata of the religiously archaic that would serve him in his work on alchemy and initiation rites. Moreover, the synthesis of morphology and historical study that he effected in these works represents a kind of "stratigraphy" that foreshadowed his later work in the United States in the history of religions.
- 1993-03-30
論文 | ランダム
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