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Dong-hak, founded by Choi Je-Woo in I860, is generally recognized as Korea's first "new religion." The Dong-hak peasant revolt of 1894 is also well-known as a struggle against Japanese imperialism and the feudal system. Due to such slogans as "Assist the nation and save the people" and "Drive away Japanese and Westerners," Dong-hak (Eastern Teaching) has been portrayed by historians as a nationalistic religion. This a priori characterization is problematic, however. In the early years of the twentieth century, and especially during the Russo-Japanese War, members of Dong-hak were engaged in pro-Japanese activities. Why did they work on behalf of Japan? Did they betray the Korean nation or themselves? The successor organization to Dong-hak was the "Cheondo-gyo," or "Doctrine of the Heavenly Way." When the "3, 1 Independence Movement" clamored for Korean independence in 1919, 15 members of the Cheondo-gyo participated in the form of a "Delegation of the Ethnic Nation." The delegation members, including the first leader of the Cheondo-gyo, Sohn Byung-Hee, were subsequently arrested. Documents from their trials reveal what they thought about Japanese imperialism, the Lee dynasty, and Western civilization. This paper attempts to explain the political wavering between pro- and anti- Japanese sentiment through an examination of members'views on civilization, the nation, and religion.
- 東京大学文学部宗教学研究室,Department of Religious Studies. The University of Tokyo,東京大学大学院博士課程の論文
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