- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate how much patients themselves know information about the medical care, in addition, what kind of relevance is there with it and the decision making for the lifeprolonging treatment. We conducted the following questionnaire to collect the information. The samples were collected from two high-schools. As a result of this study, we conclude as follow ; The possibility that just accepts a diagnosis even if I doubted a medical advice is very high. The intention about the life-prolonging treatment changes by a change of a situation. The intention about the life-prolonging treatment changes by recognition about the medical care. By this conclusion, I can say that the living will making the basis of the death with dignity changes by recognition about the medical care and a change of a situation easily. So I can suggest that it is need to fix the education system, the system of public offering of information to recognize correct present conditions medical care and to consider a method showing information to a patient by the means how does not contain personal "feelings and opinion" of medical person own before aiming at the death with dignity legislation.
- 2009-03-31
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