家庭と学校の人間関係の新主観的障害単位(新SUD)に及ぼす "発話領域" の新漸進的弛緩法(新PR)の効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
Firstly, we developed the subjective unit of disturbance (SUD) which composed, of 28 items evaluating from O to 100 points。 The clusters recorded include "natural phenomena","artificial phenomena","working place"and "home". Secondaly, we revised the present progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)to the new progressive relaxation(new PR)using the Mittani method. This new method was used foronly one muscle group, such as eyes, speech area, a hand and a foot individually. The subjects were 38 people composed of 10 males and 28 females ranging in age from 20years old to 70 years old. Their baseline SUB, using the new model, was 53.46"at home".After they pe㎡ormed the new PR by opening speech area in one group, it decreased significantly to 45.35(t=6.625, df=37, p〈.001.).The reliability of the new SUD withregard to the"home"was revealed to be high(bra=+.936, p〈.001,n=38).Basing it on two other researches, the reliability of full scale 28 items of the new SUD was also high (b r a=+.967,.ρ<.001, n=9;b r a=+.948, p<.001, n=10).
- 2008-03-01
論文 | ランダム
- 甲状腺良性腫瘍の手術
- 著者 佐藤清隆・古谷野哲夫, カカオとチョコレートのサイエンス・ロマン-神の食べ物の不思議-, B6判, 229頁, 2011年10月15日初版発行, 定価1,800円+税, 幸書房
- 書評 Christopher Chapman, David Cooper, and Peter Miller ed. 2009: Accounting, organizations and institutions: essay in honour of Anthony Hopwood, Oxford University Press
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