Direct fluorometric detection of paramagnetic and heavy metal ions at sub-amol level using an aromatic polyaminocarboxylate by CZE: Combination of pre- and on-capillary complexation Technique
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Copyright(c)2007 John Wiley & Sons LtdThe low sensitivity of simple CZE for detecting metal ions is a long-standing problem even when an LIF detection system is employed. We have successfully achieved an ultrasensitive CE-LIF using a simple CZE mode (typical detection limit: 10-11-10-10 mol/dm3). Both the design of a newly synthesized ligand and the combination of a precapillary derivatizing technique with an on-capillary ternary complexing technique have enabled us to achieve this extremely low LOD and high resolution of large metal complexes. The direct fluorescent detection of the paramagnetic metal ions was achieved for the first time despite their intrinsic fluorescent quenching nature. The fluorescent ligand (L) consists of a polyaminocarboxylate chelating moiety, a strongly emissive fluorescein moiety and a spacer connecting the two portions. The migration behavior of various metal-L complexes was investigated. The resolution among the complexes was improved by the introduction of a ternary complex equilibrium of the kinetically stable mother complexes with OH- ion. The analytical potential of our simple system was examined, and it was proved that the system was one of the most sensitive methods without the need for any preconcentration process.
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