5軸制御切削加工における工具姿勢の高速な決定法 : グラフィックスハードウェアの能力を利用した工具干渉の検出<速報>
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This study deals with generation of tool posture in continuous 5-axis control machining. In NC programming for such machining process, determination of tool posture is important. Especially, in fabrication of complicated workpiece, detection and avoidance of collision between cutting tool and workpiece surface are quite difficult. In the conventional studies, planning method of tool posture known as 2D C-Space method has been proposed. In this method, range of machinable posture is described as domain on polar coordinates system. Because estimation of the machinable domain requires vast amount of geometric calculation for each tool location, an efficient calculation method is required. In this study, we propose a new fast calculation method for the machinable domain. The proposed method is based on simple assumption that the collision can be regard as intersection between line of view and offset surface. We propose a new idea of unique view field, which can change projective method from Cartesian coordinates system to polar coordinates system by one rendering process. Then, we develop a new drawing algorithm using ability of the latest graphics hardware. From performance of the developed prototype system, it is confirmed that the proposed method can attain extraordinary improvement in the estimation time.
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