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This paper is a part of the research that clarifies existence modality of teachers in colonial Korea. And, this paper especially examines the sexual distinction of the teacher society in colonial Korea. I criticized explanations about teachers in colonial Korea by only one composition such as "Mainlander" (Japanese) ― Korean. And I'm clarifying the diversity of teachers in colonial Korea from some new aspects. Concretely, they are the following aspects. (1) Teachers invited from "Mainland"(Japan) and teachers trained in colonial Korea, (2) Career of stay in colonial Korea, (3) Normal schools, (4) Process of acquisition of qualifications. I'm trying to approach realities of teachers in colonial Korea through these researches. And, I want to examine how the teachers can be located in the policy of education in colonial Korea at the end of a series of research. But I should pay attention to teacher's attributes more, and clarify the complex existence modality for completion of the job. Therefore, the position of this paper is a part of the series of research. At first, teachers were occupied by men in colonial Korea. However, the number of women increased from 1920's, and the sexual distinction appeared in the teacher society at that time. Originality different from men and "Merit" of women came to be expected as woman teacher's ratio rose. However, woman teachers groaned between the social demand to the teacher and the demand to women rather than demonstrating own originality who was a woman, and was the teacher. Their "Predicament" was talked by themselves, and the understanding and the improvement were entreated. However, dissatisfaction by woman teachers disappeared on the surface under the war. Instead, it was emphasized to get rid of the conventional appearance. The look to woman teachers changed by the "stream", and they followed to it. Therefore, their dilemma what caused by the situation such as 'I'm a teacher, and I'm a woman' remained. In other words, fundamental problem of woman teachers is unsettled, and only the image and the role have changed by the "stream".
- 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院国際教育文化研究会の論文
- 2008-06-30
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