Performance measurement of the 8-input SQUIDs for TES frequency domain multiplexing
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We report on performance of 8-input superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) for multiplexing transition-edge sensor signals by using frequency-domain multiplexing. We found the typical critical current and the flux noise to be 17-19 μA and 0.7-1.1 μΦ0/Hz, respectively. We also measured the crosstalk current between the input coils of the SQUIDs, and found that the mutual inductance was consistent with the design value, 800 pH. We confirmed that the cross talk current due to the mutual inductance was reduced by the flux-locked-loop (FLL) feedback, and its reduction rate was consistent with 1/(1+L), where L is the FLL feedback gain. We also show the result of 2-channel DC-driven TES signals readout using the 8-input SQUIDs. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008.
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