ゲノム科学への導入のためのポスター 『一家に1枚ヒトゲノムマップ』
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Posters are popular multimedia presentations to provide information. We made a poster to introduce genome science, a Human Genome Map for Every Home, and discussed the prospects of posters as science communication tools. Posters could be used as science communication tool in that 1) they can depict the whole image in their large space, 2) it is easy to give and take them, 3) they have ripple effect, 4) they serve as tools for promoting communication through the knowledgeable persons or teaching programs.
- 北海道大学科学技術コミュニケーター養成ユニットの論文
北海道大学科学技術コミュニケーター養成ユニット | 論文
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