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竹を板状に加工して使用する際,節の目切れが強度的缺點となるおそれがある。そこで節と節間部の曲げ強さを本邦各地産モウソウチクについて測定し,兩者の優劣及びその度合を調べて見た。その結果1.節と節間部との曲げ強さ比λは最小0.74から最大1.32まで相當廣いばらつきを示すが,是は實驗誤差でなく,主として各竹に個有な傾向のあらはれと見るべきである。大體,節の方が節間部より強い場合と節間部の方が節より強い場合は同程度に出現し畫一的な傾向を見出すことは出來ない。しかし個々の竹に於ては兩者の優劣は割にはつきりして居り,例へば,S,イ,ニ等の竹では節の方が,A,J,R等の竹では節間部の方が明かに強い。稈2.竹の部分(内外,上下)によるλの相違はあまり著しくないものと考へられる。3.曲げの向き(木表負荷,木裏負荷)によるλの相違も殆ど認められない。結局節と節間部の曲げ強さは個々の竹によつて優劣區々であり一般的傾向はない様であるが特に節の強さを過小に評價するとしても節間部強さの80%以下に見る必要はないと思はれる。When the bamboo culm is worked to strips or veneers, the node may have weakening effect on the tensile or bending strength because of the irregularity of its grain. Moreover, the node is arranged from the root to the top in relatively short distance and its existence in worked member is unavoidable except in short one. Therefore, the mechanical strengths of node should be studied as well as those of internode. But the data concerning this point are few and the clear notion has not been derived. In this respect, the author tried to compare the bending strength of node with internode's about 13 bamboos (Phyllostachys pubescens MAGEL et H. DE LEHAIE) grown at several districts of Japan. The results of tests shows that; 1. strength ratio between the node and the internode of culm, say λ, is considered to vary markedly with each individual bamboo, whereas the difference between λ of the inner and the outer parts or the lower and the upper parts in culm of the same bamboo is comparatively small. 2. In this experiment, the lowest value of λ is 0.74, the highest is 1.32 and roughly speaking, the bamboos in which node is superior to internode in bending strength and the bamboos in which node is inferior to internode may appear to an equal degree. 3. By plain-sawed specimens, the direction of loading, e.g. centrifugul or centripetal to the culm-center, shows no different value of λ for any bamboo and any part. Thus, in bending strength, the inferiority of node to internode can not be generally stated. But it may be said that the strength of the node need not be considered less than 80% of the internode's even if the node strength is severely estimated.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林の論文
- 1948-00-00
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林 | 論文
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