Succession and Differentiation of Forest Communities in the Subalpine Region of Mt. Fuji
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山塊の歴史が浅く,発達段階のさまざまな群落がみられる富士山の亜高山帯を対象として,地形に対応した森林群落の分化と遷移との関係を研究した。調査は富士山の北西面でおこない,さまざまな群落に36~300m2の調査区を90カ所設け,群落構造と組成についての詳しい調査を実施した。すべての調査区は,遷移指数(SI; Nakamura,1984,1985)を用いて,すでに調べられている富士山亜高山帯の遷移系列上に座標づけされた。富士山亜高山帯の北西面の森林群落の一次遷移の系列は,落葉低木林から,落葉樹林,カラマツ林,シラベ林をへてコメツガ林に至る。そして,このコメツガ林が,老齢化し,大径木の枯死が生じると,そのギャップ部分には,シラベの優占する林分が再度形成されることが確認されている。すなわち,コメツガ林の前後に二つのシラベ林が存在するわけで,それぞれ第1シラベ林,第2シラベ林として区別されている(Nakamura,1985)。調査地の基質はスコリアと溶岩とに分けられる。遷移に伴う樹高,胸高直径,樹幹断面積の変化をみると,コメツガ林のギャップ形成までのステージでは,スコリア基質での値が溶岩基質より高い傾向にあった。また,第2シラベ林のステージは,スコリア基質の所でしかみられなかった。標高にそった森林群落の配列は,上から落葉樹林,カラマツ林,第1シラベ林,コメツガ林,第2シラベ林の順であり,これは,森林群落の遷移の順序と一致していた。また,この配列パターンは,尾根地形では,谷地形の所に比べ相対的に標高が高くなっている傾向がみられた。調査地域における地形は,基質条件と結び付いている。尾根地形では固い溶岩基質が多いのに対し,鞍部から谷地形では移動しやすいスコリア基質が多い。そして,尾根地形になりやすい溶岩基質の所では,谷地形になりやすいスコリア基質の所に比べて,遷移の進行がはやい傾向がみられた。しかしながら,溶岩基質の所では,遷移がコメツガ林に達してもギャップの形成がほとんどみられず,コメツガ林以後に遷移が進行しない状況もみられた。本州中部のシラベの優占林にはいくつかのタイプが確認されているが,その中のクロウスゴあるいはタケシマランで特徴づけられ,主に亜高山帯の上部に分布するシラベ林のタイプと,一方,亜高山帯の下部に多くみられ,カニコウモリやシラネワラビで特徴づけられるタイプは,それぞれ富士山の第1シラベ林と第2シラベ林とに組成や構造の面で非常によく似ていることがわかった。以上の結果をふまえ,富士山亜高山帯林の今後の遷移における群落の変化を地形条件と対応させつつ推測した。さらにまた,他の山岳でみられるような成熟した亜高山帯林の空間分布のパターンも,その立地条件によって既定される遷移の進行程度の違いに対応しつつ,富士山亜高山帯の遷移と同じような群落変化をへて,しだいに現在の状態へと分化してきたものと推定された。The relatinships between forest succession and differentiation of forest communities were studied in the subalpine region of the north-western slopes of Mt. Fuji, where there are various types of forest at different stages of successional development due to the young history of the mountain. Ninety stands were subjected to ordination using an index (SI; NAKAMURA, 1984, 1985) for analyzing patterns of succession related to topographic conditions. The substratum in the study area was divided into two types, scoria and lava. The basal area of woody species and the maxima for tree height and DBH were larger on scoria sites than lava sites in most stages of succession up to gap formation in Tsuga forests. Two kinds of Abies forest differing in their successional stage were recognized. These occur before and after gap formation, and are termed first and second Abies forests, respectively (NAKAMURA, 1985). Typical second Abies forests occurred only on the scoria site. The distribution pattern of forest communities along the elevational gradient, from deciduous broadleaved forest at higher elevations through Larix forest, first Abies forest and Tsuga forest to second Abies forest at lower elevations, suggests an almost parallel sequence with that of the forest succession. The vegetation on ridges usually ascended to higher elevations than that in valleys. The development of the forest community tended to be faster on ridges which were formed usually by the stable laval rocks than in valleys whose substratum was usually scoria and unstable. The stands on scoria sites usually proceeded at least up to the second Abies forest at lower elevations, but on the lava sites the stands of Tsuga forest remained, especially on ridges. The fact that conspicupus gaps due to endogenous agencies such as death or fall of senecent large stems were scarcely observed within the Tsuga stands on lava sites suggests that the forest succession ends at the Tsuga forest stage on such topographic conditions. Four types of Abies forest have been recongized in the mature subalpine forests of central Japan. Among these, the two types characterized by Vaccinium or Streptopus and located at higher elevations, and the other types characterized by Cacalia or Dryopteris and located at lower elevations of the mountains in central Japan were similar to the first Abies forest and the second Abies forest on Mt. Fuji in composition and structure, respectively. The rate of forest succession in the subalpine region of Mt. Fuji was influenced by topographic conditions, though the differences of sucessional pattern were scarcely implied in various topographic conditions. The toporaphic conditions seemed to determine the length and the final stage of forest succession in the subalpine region of central Japan.
- Succession and Differentiation of Forest Communities in the Subalpine Region of Mt. Fuji
- Ecological relationships between seedling emergence and litter cover in the earliest stage of plant succession on sandy soil
- Effect of bryophytes on survival of conifer seedlings in subalpine forests of central Japan