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35年頃までの勝山木材市場はもっぱら岡山市を中心とした県内需要に対応し,その買方の顔ぶれも問屋,小売屋,製材業,大工等,あらゆる業態に及び,それらが種々雑多な思惑で「勝市」に入りこんでいた。この頃は「挽くモノは何でも売れた」時代であり,それだけに勝山もこれといった特徴をそなえた産地ではなかった。変化はいわゆる「外材時代」とともに始まる。1) Forestry in this country began to be stagnant with increase of foreign timber in 1960's. On the contrarily, timber producing district in Katsuyama made rapid development from this term. It was taking the form of main producing district of hinoki pillar goods. 2) The market of sawing-goods (Katsu-Ichi) functioned as a center for this development. Katsu-Ichi not only opened a newmarket for hinoki goods but also mainly sold their goods to large purchasers, so Katsu-Ichi enabled selling of big lots. At present Ktsu-Ichi has attractived a lot of powerful purchasers in Kinki and Chugoku region, and the power of selling is really remarkable. 3) On the other side, sawmill industries in Katsuyama district completely depend on Katsu-Ichi for selling of their main goods. Therefore they could concentrate on the repletion of production system and formed the producing system of hinoki pillar goods. As the results they were to have the steadiest power as to the purchase of hinoki logs. 4) The problems, hereafter, are to practice the unified concentration of goods that are often required by purchasers, and to link with the sawing and the silviculture of hinoki stand that is recently planting in this area.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部林学科,Depertment of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo.の論文