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中国東北地方の森林地帯での植栽された針葉樹類と天然更新広葉樹類の混交林造成技術について議論した。その結果,混交林を造成する方法としては,(1)広葉樹が更新して生育している林分では針葉樹の部分植栽とそのあと地への広葉樹の部分保留を行う;(2)広葉樹が更新しておらず,林地および近接地に種子源となる広葉樹が存在する場合は,針葉樹の植栽と天然更新による広葉樹の導入を行う;(3)針葉樹人工林分では,針葉樹植栽木の一部を伐採し,そのあと地に広葉樹を天然更新により導入するの,3つの方法に大別された。Techniques for establishing mixed forests of planted coniferous trees and naturally regenerated broad-leaved trees in the eastern forest region of Northeast China were reviewed. There are three methods for establishing mixed forests: by partly planting coniferous trees and partly reserving broad-leaved trees on sites where there are naturally regenerated and/or ready-grown broad-leaved trees; by partly planting coniferous trees and introducing broad-leaved trees into the planted coniferous stand by natural regeneration on sites without broad-leaved trees but with seed sources nearby; and by thinning coniferous plantations and introducing broad-leaved trees into the thinned stand by natural regeneration.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部附属演習林研究部,中国東北林業大学森林資源与環境学院,Research Division of the University Forests, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo,Faculty of Forest Resources and Environment, Northeast Forestry University, Cの論文