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日本では,地すべり対策工(抑制工)の一つとして,すべり面付近の間隙水圧を低下させて地すべり地を安定させる「集水井を用いた地下水排除工」が広く普及している。しかし地すべり地内の地下水系は極めて複雑であり,その挙動と地すべり移動との関係や地下水排除工の有効性の検証などについての知見は未だ極めて貧弱である。そこで森林総合研究所地すべり研究室では,埼玉県下のいわゆる結晶片岩系破砕帯地すべり地帯にある平沢地すべり地において,部分ストレーナ加工やバルブ装着など,集水ボーリング孔に工夫をこらすことにより,すべり面付近の間隙水圧や集水量を精度よく測定することが可能な地すべり試験地を設置し,10年間にわたって観測を行った。Pore water pressure fluctuation has been proved to be an important cause of landslide movement in landslide areas, but it is difficult to observe the mechanism of pore water pressure fluctuation at the various depths of the slip surface. The first purpose of this paper is to examine the pore water pressure fluctuation in shallow and deep stratum at the slip surface. The data used in this study was collected at the Tairasawa landslide area during 1983-1985. Two observational methods are considered. (1) The pressure heads were measured in the vertical observation borehole with a screened section at the designated depth of slip surface. (2) The horizontal borehole of drainage wells were drilled for confined groundwater in a screened section at the same depth of the slip surface. The rainfall, pressure head and drainage discharge were observed before and after the drainage well works.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科農学国際専攻,Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyoの論文