Ginkgolide Production in Ginkgo biloba Trees and Cultured Cells
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イチョウ植物体の種々の部位と,数種の培養細胞におけるギンコライド含有量を調べた。イチョウ植物体では,今回調べた緑葉,落葉,木部,外樹皮及び内樹皮,根,さらに胚乳の全てにおいてギンコライド類が検出された。落葉での含有量は緑葉と比較してかなり少なかった。4月に採取した内樹皮にはかなりの量が含まれていたが,外樹皮はその半分,木部ではさらに少量であった。10月に採取した若木の根には緑葉の約3倍の総ギンコライド量が検出された。胚乳ではギンコライドBが主成分で,ギンコライドA,Cははるかに少量であった。胚,葉柄,形成層由来の培養細胞でのギンコライド生成を調べたところ,数種の培養細胞でギンコライドBの生成が確認されたが,その量は原植物における含有量と比較してはるかに少なかった。胚由来の培養細胞では総じてギンコライドB生成が認められたが,葉柄および形成層由来の細胞でのギンコライド含有量はより少量であった。明所培養の細胞は緑色を呈するが,このこととギンコライド生成との関連は認められなかった。Ginkgolide content in various parts of ginkgo trees and in some cultured cells were studied. In all the parts of ginkgo trees examined, green and fallen leaves, wood, outer and inner barks, roots, and albumens, ginkgolides were detected. Fallen leaves had rather less ginkgolides than green leaves. Inner bark collected in April contained substantial amounts of ginkgolides, whereas outer bark had half the amount and wood had far less. In the roots of young trees collected in October, the amount of total ginkgolides was about three times as high as that of green leaves. In albumens, ginkgolide B was the main ingredient, and ginkgolides A and C were far less. Ginkgolide production was examined in cultured cells derived from embryo, petiole and cambium. Several cultured cells produced ginkgolide B, but the concentration was far less than any part of mother plants. Embryo-derived cultured cells generally produced ginkgolide B, while petiole- and cambium-derived calli showed poorer results. Greening of the cultured cells under illumination seemed to have no connection with ginkgolide production.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,Department of Biomaterial Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo,University Forest in Hokkaido, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo,東京大学大学院農学生命科学研の論文