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The Japanese word, Ibasyo(the comfortable place)is an idiosyncratic word in Japanese culture,and has various definitions . Generally, the word, Ibasyo has been defined as meaning the space(e.g. my room), the time(e.g. after dinner)and the person(e.g. my mother)that ease your mind(or“make you content”). Especially the person who eases your mind, or with whom one feels comfortable(or content), such as“myself”,“mother”,“friend”and so on, is the most critical factor for determining one’s interpersonal emotion, adaptation and satisfaction with daily life. The present study was carried out to examine the influence of the two factors, namely the person who eases your mind and emotional intelligence on loneliness. Participants were Japanese undergraduate students. They were asked to choose one of alternatives(e.g. myself, mother, friend, etc.)to answer the question“Who is the person that eases your mind?”. They were then asked to rate items from scales corresponding to emotional intelligence(J-ESCQ; Toyota et al., 2005)and loneliness(J-UCLA; Moroi, 1985). J-ESCQ consisited of three subscales,(1)perceiving and understanding emotion(PU; e.g.“I notice when somebody feels down.”):(2) expressing and labelling emotion(EL; e.g.“I am able to express my emotions well.”): and(3)managing and regulating emotion(MR; e.g.“I try to keep up a good mood.”). Multiple regression analysis indicated that two factors, Ibasyo(“myself”vs.“mother”and“friend”)and emotional intelligence(EL and MR)explained 24% of loneliness. For the participants who have higher scores of emotional intelligence, the effect of Ibasyo(“myself”“mother”and“friend”)on lonliness was not observed, whereas for those who have lower scores of emotional intelligence, the effect of it was apparent. These results are interpreted as showing the importance of emotional intelligence to facilitate the adaptation in daily life.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2007-10-31
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