- 論文の詳細を見る
- 小児の迅速導入におけるエアトラックの有用性
- Pentax-AWS airway Scope as an alternative for awake flexible fiberoptic intubation of a morbidly obese patient in the semi-sitting position
- 産科麻酔におけるエアウェイスコープの使用経験
- Pentax-AWS (Airway Scope) and Airtraq : big difference between two similar devices
- マネキンモデルにおける新しい気道確保道具エアウェイスコープとエアトラックの使用比較
- 満足感を追求した臨床麻酔
- エアウェイスコープとスタイレットスコープで気道確保を行った巨大甲状腺腫瘍の1例
- 術後無気肺に理学療法とカフマシーンが奏功した小児脳性麻痺の2症例
- ポリ塩化ビニルカフを有するディスポーザブルラリンジアルマスクエアウェイは亜酸化窒素によるカフ圧変化を受けにくい
- 3%リドカインによる脊椎麻酔後の一過性神経症状の頻度
- 胸腔鏡下動脈管開存症結紮術の麻酔経験
- Reverse Jack-Knife体位の脳外科手術中に発生した空気塞栓
- Post-scan : another role of ultrasound in central venous catheter insertion
- The range of values of "variable α" when predicting plasma concentrations and/or effect site concentrations of remifentanil is huge
- Cardiovascular responses to tracheal intubation with the Airway Scope (Pentax-AWS)
- Transvalvular leakage after the implantation of stented bovine pericardial valves is not only central
- The Pentax-AWS is particularly suitable for facilitating intubation in edentulous geriatric patients
- Displacement of the epiglottis during intubation with the Pentax-AWS Airway Scope
- Parker Flex-Tip Tube^【○!R】 facilitates intubation when the Pentax-AWS^【○!R】 fails to reach the larynx
- Awake intubation under sedation using target-controlled infusion of dexmedetomidine : five case reports
- Required decrement time to predict time of awaking in effect-site concentration can be estimated by using that in predicted blood concentration displayed on the commercial TCI pump
- Dexmedetomidine was safely used for sedation during spinal anesthesia in a very elderly patient
- Transient phrenic nerve paralysis after carotid endarterectomy in a patient with asthma
- Accidental injection of remifentanil can cause a much more dangerous situation than the same dose of fentanyl
- Importance of model fitting when a non-commercial TCI system was used : taking Kataria's parameter as an example
- Administration of dexmedetomidine alone during diagnostic cardiac catheterization in adults with congenital heart disease : two case reports